Pregnancy Diary: 36 Weeks | 8th Month

September 24, 2015

According to my BabyBump app, I am 28 days away from my expected delivery date.  Just like all moms to be, I am very excited to finally see and hold my little munchkin!

At this point, I am having mixed emotions, but most are the good kind.  I think it is just normal that I feel a bit scared about giving birth for the first time, but I believe that would be overpowered by the eagerness to finally hold and kiss your baby.   

Since our 34th week, our hospital bags are at 60% complete and ready. We've also been going to the doctor every 2 weeks now.  From our last check up, my OB-GYNE, Dra. Nucum, assured us that everything was going well and fine for Baby Avery.  I told her that Avery's kicks were more frequent and wild! She assured that this was a good sign and that it was Avery's way of showing that she is alive & kicking.

Last night though, I noticed that Avery didn't move much the whole day.  She was too quiet as compared to the past few days and that got me scared and into a bit of panic mode.  I immediately told Ren and we texted Dra. Nucum.  In seconds, I was on the line with my doctor explaining the situation.

She advised me to do a few things first to make me calm down.  I was told to lie on my side and put music on my lower abdomen to see if Avery would react... and she did!  I got about 7 kicks in 3 songs.  My doctor said that it was a good sign, but for both our peace of mind she still asked me to go to the nearest ER and ask for a fetal doppler check.  Avery's heartbeat was normal, Thank God! Nevertheless, I was advised to get an ultrasound the next day.  As it turns out, my amniotic level is low.  The Sonologist informed me to give the results immediately to my OB to know what the next step would be.

My check up with Dra. Nucum is scheduled for Saturday.  Since I have one more day before the scheduled check up, I took the liberty of researching about the cons of having low amniotic fluid at 36 weeks.  Most of what turned out of course are not good.

I just hope that whatever happens from this point on, Avery will be safe and healthy.

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