How I Removed Red Color on my Hair for P299!

October 02, 2018

Remember when I shared my bleaching the red hair experience and it just turned peach pink-ish? Told ya'll I was going to find a way how to remove the remaining color... Well, I've finally figured out how to clear my hair of all the stubborn red/orange pigments!

Just to make it clear, I'll be sharing 3 things that I did to my hair to reach the almost platinum blonde shade it is in now. If you have red, orange or pink hair and would like to have it remove before jumping into another color, then read on!

DISCLAIMER: I AM NO EXPERT or PROFESSIONAL.  Everything you see or will see in this blog about my #hairventure is based solely on personal experience.

1) DIY Concuctions
After bleaching my red hair, it went dry -- OF COURSE.  So, I needed to have it rest before I go full on chemical warfare with it again.  I searched for natural ways on how to (gradually) remove the color from my hair and I found two (2) that were quite effective.

(A) Anti-Dandruff Shampoo + Baking Soda
When you have color treated hair, you are advised not to use any anti-dandruff shampoo since an ingredient present in anti-dandruff shampoo strips away the color faster.  Add an equal part of baking soda, which is natural ingredient used in cleaning almost all kinds of stuff --- You get an easy and somewhat natural color remover for your hair.  I used this formula for about a week with my regular conditioner.  Change is very gradual, but it works and is perfect if you're not in a hurry.

(B) Dishwashing Soap + Baking Soda
I know this is weird and not to mention makes your hair smell a little funny after, but it's not all bad.  Mix equal parts dishwashing liquid and baking soda.  Shampoo as normal.  As you rinse, you'll see a bit of color down the drain. Although, this method might also need a few washes.

2) The (mild) Bleach + Shampoo Treatment
About a week into it, my hair somewhat returned to its natural soft state or at least to a state where it can handle a little bit of bleaching again.  I mixed about 10-15grams of bleaching powder and 9% oxidizing lotion.  After, I added in equal part shampoo.  I just used my regular shampoo for this, but I read in a blog that using a clarifying shampoo does a better job.  I used this every other day until my hair became about Level 8 blonde near the roots and Level 4-5 towards the end.

3) Full Chemical Treatment: Hair Color Erase
I knew there are several hair color removers in the market, but they're too expensive (for me) that I really tried the first 2 ways first since they're cheap and I already have them.  But, I was getting impatient from removing all the dark tones that I finally decided I'd spend P500 - P900 for a hair color remover.  Still, I was hoping against hope that I'd find something that is within my budget, and thank the online shopping gods, I DID!  I found this shop on Shopee that sells repacks or "takals" of expensive hair stuff.  

I purchased this 15grams repack of Matrix Essentials Solutionist Color Erase Permanent Hair Color Remover for P299! I just purchased one set since I only had shoulder length hair and would only need to remove color on the bottom half of my hair. The set includes a repacked powder form color erase, 100ml of oxidizing lotion and very precise instructions on how to use it. It looks like and has the same process as bleach, but it does not bleach the hair. It will only remove the current color and bring it back to the original state it was in. For me however, since I already bleached my hair before this, my hair instantly went from muddy orange to Level 8-9 blonde.

A little warning though to those who would like to try it --- IT WILL DRY YOUR HAIR. I was kind of shocked as to how dry it became after the color removal. It was more fried than when I bleached 2x in a week! It is very effective and it really does what it's supposed to do, but you have to be prepared for a lot of conditioning treatments after. Before using this, I would advise to stock up on Keratin treatments and deep conditioners.

Nevertheless, if you want it fast (because you are impatient like me) I would strongly recommend this! Just remember to condition A LOT and as always, never forget the holy grail of all Hair DIYers --- Virgin Coconut Oil. I also used my favorite Purple Keratin to remove the brassiness left after all the bleaching and color removing.

If you plan to try this product out, or any hair color removers/routines, share them on the comments below! I would love to hear them or maybe even try them out too!

PS. don't forget to follow me on Instagram and checkout my #hairventure highlights!

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